
When 17 people were murdered in 17 months in Suffolk County, Long Island, MS-13 was to blame. And I was there to cover it. 

La Mara Salvatrucha was formed in Los Angeles in the 1980s by Salvadoran immigrants escaping civil war, and has since formed cliques across the United States, with its headquarters back in El Salvador. The spate of violence, in a Long Island county that voted for President Trump, became Exhibit A for his immigration crackdown.  

The gang killed two girls with machetes and baseball bats on a suburban cul-de-sac in September 2016, which ignited an all-out local police and immigration response. Then four latino young men were killed in April 2017 by MS-13, authorities said. I wrote the definitive story of those murders, of the boys who were immigrants who had fled the gang in their home countries. And I then wrote about the mother of one of the murdered girls who became an activist and met President Trump, before she herself was killed in a dispute with a neighbor.

Photo Credit Uli Seit for The New York Times

Photo Credit Uli Seit for The New York Times



Naturalization ceremonies still evoke joy for new U.S. citizens, but under Trump, they have become more fraught with urgency. 



Trump upended refugee resettlement, initially with his Muslim Ban, and then with policy that slowed the flow to a trickle. 



New York is a so-called Sanctuary City, but ICE still arrests those it wants, stepping up enforcement around courthouses.